Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowIn 1998, she became noticed for her role as a hermaphrodite guest starring in "Good Guys Bad Guys,"" a crime-drama with a twist. In the course of filming "Pitch Black" to play a role in the supporting cast in which she was a transporter character who has been stranded in an unimaginable world the 2000 science fiction drama "Pitch Black" to help in the reading of actresses for an Australian-based production of a new series. A casting agent believed that she was perfect for the job, in spite of the fact that the producers wanted to hire an American actress. Black had an audition in Sydney and was able to land the role of Aeryn sun in "Farscape." The actress not only showed her character's strength and endurance however, she developed a powerful sexual relationship between herself and Ben Browder as human astronaut John Crichton. Aeryn developed into an extremely watchable and interesting character as the series progressed and she won legions of dedicated fans. After the series ended, Black was a part of two seasons of Stargate SG-1 as Vala Doran. In addition, she kept working hard on voiceovers for television movies, as well as games. Black has a role on "The Originals", returned to the show in the thriller "Containment". As a gorgeous brunette, Black had the ability to project strength as well as a sensual air in her role as Aeryn Sun on Farscape, (Sci-Fi Channel) from 1999-2003. This Sydney-born actress was the winner of the Globe Shakespeare 1990 competition, and she also toured Europe with Portia for the role in "The Merchant of Venice."


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